Halloween Costumes / An Anniversary / School Pickup

We'll tell you the most wanted kids Halloween costume of 2019 just in case you need to start looking now.Sam's got something planned for Murphy and Jodi's anniversary so he wants them to keep that date open.Why Murphy and Jodi's girls are saying they'd...

Fun Friday / Sam’s Homecoming Week / The Note

For fun Friday: What are you doing for halloween since it's apparently a thing to decorate earlyContinuing homecoming week drama at Sam's house. Why do girls have to change their mind so much??You gotta hear why Jodi left an accusatory note somewhere in thehouse...

After the Show: Still Funny

What does Sam have in common with Jerry Seinfeld & Eddie Murphy?????#seinfeld #eddiemurphy

Haunted House / Too Early for Halloween? / Dress Code Violation

What you need to know before sending a kid through a haunted house if they really don't wanna go. (What might stay with them forever)One of Sam's kids got in trouble during homecoming week for a dress code violation.Jodi wants to know is it...

Mariah Carey / Fake Instagram / The Whip

How to tell if an Instagram account is fakeWhy Sam will never let his son Parker dress as Indiana Jones again.How Mariah Carey is going to be changing her Christmas game.

Dry Shampoo / Hustlers Review / Skipping Halloween

What happens when the most creative person in your house wants to skip halloween?Murphy and Jodi give their review of the new JLo movie "Hustlers".Why is dry shampoo a dangerous thing to have in your car?

Homecoming / Football Stress / Hollywood Outsider

Sam's daughter Maddie is not taking a date to homecomingFootball stress: real, but what does it actually do to your body?Jodi's going to get you in the know on what's going on in the Hollywood Outsider every hour.

After the Show: Guy Time

Jodi wants the guys to have more guy time - and to "feed the friendship." ????