WE ARE GETTING READY FOR SANTA!!!!!!Have the kids email him their questions, their love etc to murphysamandjodi.com.The big jolly guy will be in the studio with us Friday morning.How to do the White Elephant Gift Exchange.More Make It, Take It Gift Ideas - because...
Why this year - DOING something for your friends is how to do Christmas.How Murphy's outdoor Christmas light project went from bad to worse.How 40 remaining WWII Veterans are taking part in the Pearl Harbor Remembrance Ceremony.
A new study finds that feeding your pet once a day may improve their health.What Christmas TV specials will be playing this weekend?Murphy & Jodi have to find extra sleeping arrangements to accommodate their family during Christmas.
Murphy did it AGAIN - bought himself the Christmas present Jodi was going to give him.NEW Ideas for your Family Christmas Card.The Best Christmas Movies to watch with your family.