I Love My JOB week. What do you do and why do you love it??
What's missing from your dating profile that could get you more dates?
Why you should look inside books before you donate them.
WHY do you drink? Ever thought of that? MS&J have some very eye-opening answers.
Why you should look INSIDE old books before donating them.
We'll help you with SMALL TALK. It's not easy, but it should be.
NEW IDEAS for the Thanksgiving Game at the dinner table.
What is Jodi offering to Sam even before Murphy??
How to make your guest room feel like a hotel suite.
Sam has a weird new addiction.
Why you should look INSIDE old books before donating them.
We'll help you with SMALL TALK. It's not easy, but it should be.
How HUMOR can make OR break a relationship!!
Why you HAVE to go through your things BEFORE you donate them.
If you MUST draw your eyebrows on, we'll show you how.
Sam, doing some walking down an aisle again soon. With a special lady.
What lesson Jodi plans to have before the holidays this year.
Where you can get ALL the James Bond movies in 1 place, starting next week.