The big baby names for 2023.
Why being ANGRY can (maybe) help you at work.
Murphy unearthed an incredible gift from his dad's house and shares it here.
SANTA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (We know him.) Our 1st visit of the season with the Big Guy! SO FUN.
Kids can still email him at all month long.
Gift a Day Ideas - for the HOME.
How the 50% rule can help you NOT gain a bunch of weight at Christmas.
The "Don't Forget about these Christmas movies" List!
Sam teaches us some new slang.
Single Ladies -- what to get at the salon that can get you more dates.
Another reason to look INSIDE old books that are sitting on your family's bookshelf.
Love coffee? Tell you why you need a break from it.
How HUMOR can make OR break a relationship!!
Why you HAVE to go through your things BEFORE you donate them.
If you MUST draw your eyebrows on, we'll show you how.
There's NO WRONG WAY to do the holidays - even if there's a 10 ft snowman next door already.
The mistake Murphy made that landed him in the ER one Thanksgiving.
Tell you what ANIMAL can relieve stress - just by listening to them.