Stories tagged with: couples
FLASHBACK: Grateful Friday / Secrets couples keep from each other / Keeping depression away
Grateful Friday.
Secrets couples keep from each other.
Keeping depression away.
The Weekend Replay PODCAST: 4 things happy couples do / Is the Choco Taco back? / Dating app scams
4 things happy couples do!
Is the Choco Taco back?
Dating app scams.
Real feelings about Valentine’s Day / 4 things happy couples do / Murphy and Jodi exchange gifts
Valentine's Day - REAL FEELINGS on the holiday only :)
4 things happy couples do.
Murphy and Jodi exchange Valentine's Day gifts -- and YES, Sam gets something.
The #1 secret couples keep from each other. ???????? #marriage #family
The Weekend Replay PODCAST: Secrets couples keep from each other / A Girl Scout cookies changing? / Keeping depression away
Secrets couples keep from each other.
Are Girl Scout cookies changing?
Keeping depression away.
The secret MOST couples keep from each other / Jodi’s top 5 entertainment stories / Grateful Friday
The secret MOST couples keep from each other.
Jodi's Top 5 Entertainment Stories of the Week.
Grateful Friday AND a look at the new NASCAR docuseries coming to Netflix next week.
The Weekend Replay PODCAST: Why we’re invested in celebrity couples / Shop small / Why is Jodi writing notes of shame?
Why we're invested in celebrity couples.
Shop small.
Why is Jodi writing notes of shame?
Why do we get so invested in celebrity couples? / Grateful Friday / Why you SHOULD buy holiday gifts from your friends in business
WHY do we get SO invested in celebrity couples? Especially a certain football player and pop star right now.
Grateful Friday.
Why you SHOULD buy holiday gifts from your friends in business - but NOT ask them for a discount.
FLASHBACK: Don’t mess with animals in a national park / What couples argue about most / Sam’s advice to kids
Don't mess with animals in a national park.
What couples argue about most.
Sam's advice to kids.