Stories tagged with: emojis
The Weekend Replay PODCAST: How many relationships until “the one?” / Most confusing emojis / Murphy and Sam are looking for Molly Ringwald
How many relationships until you find "the one?"
Most confusing emojis.
Murphy and Sam are looking for Molly Ringwald.
Confusing emojis / What NOT to do around wild animals / Why Sam is excited about the flirty ChatGPT voice assistant
Confusing emojis you might be sending family and friends.
Summer warning: What NOT to do around wild animals in national parks.
Why Sam is getting excited about the flirty ChatGPT voice assistant!
The Weekend Replay PODCAST: Dad Magic! / Single and loving it / 118 new emojis
Dad Magic!
Single and loving it.
118 new emojis.
Are emojis the new passwords? / Grateful Friday / The changes coming to Walmart
Are Emojis the NEW passwords?!?
Grateful Friday - a nice way to kick off the 1st part of November.
The NICE changes coming to Walmart. Yes, your Walmart too.
Jodi’s extra relaxing time away / Secret emojis / Sam’s late birthday gift from Jodi
How Murphy & Sam made Jodi's time away extra relaxing for her.
Why families should set up an emergency emoji - and how to choose that emoji.
Sam finally gets his late birthday gift from Jodi.