Stories tagged with: er
Grateful Friday / Dumb things kids do to end up in the E.R. / What is Garth Brooks doing to upset LOTS of fans??
Grateful Friday! Little and big things you're grateful for.
DUMB things kids do in the summer to end up in the emergency room! (hint: parents can prevent all of these)
In Music News - what is Garth Brooks doing to upset LOTS of fans???
There’s no wrong way to do the holidays / The mistake Murphy made that landed him in the ER one Thanksgiving / What animal can relieve stress
There's NO WRONG WAY to do the holidays - even if there's a 10 ft snowman next door already.
The mistake Murphy made that landed him in the ER one Thanksgiving.
Tell you what ANIMAL can relieve stress - just by listening to them.
Jodi is mad at Sam / What NOT to do at your kid’s school Open House / The new reason many toddlers are ending up in the ER
Jodi is mad at Sam because of something they can’t TALK ABOUT. What NOT to do at your kid’s school Open House. The new reason many toddlers are ending up in the ER.