What "Luxury Interior Designers" say we should NOT have in our homes anymore. Is there a Stranger Things PREQUEL coming?? Jodi has it in the Hollywood Outsider. Who was accused of shoplifting in the grocery store this week?
The weird Valentine's Day gifts Jodi gave Murphy.
Sam made an extra 300 bucks this week accidentally.
What things in every home are a real danger to little kids?
Valentine's Day: Jodi has a WEIRD gift for Murphy.
Sam, his elephant in the room - especially on Valentine's Day.
Who sent Jodi flowers? It's not Murphy.
Tell you what PHRASE is most used in SUCCESSFUL relationships.
Jodi broke Murphy's glasses - but why??
Ozzy Osbourne is about to be invited to Buckingham Palace. Sam will tell you why in Music News.
How much WALKING does it take to undo all of that SITTING??
Parking! Do you BACK IN, or PULL IN???
In the Food Dude, Sam tells us how to score a free Mexican Pizza.