After 24 years of marriage, Murphy forgot what?? Tuesday, November 14 #marriage #anniversary Website: Facebook: Instagram:
Murphy’s $2 bills / The new documentary Sam can’t stop singing about / What did Murphy forget in almost 24 years of marriage? Friday, November 10 Murphy does a full house check of all his $2 bills. You should too. The new documentary Sam can't stop watching or singing about. What did Murphy forget for the 1st time in almost 24 years of marriage?!
The Weekend Replay PODCAST: Why is Sam taking time off? / Love your job? Tell us why! / What wears down a marriage Saturday, September 23 Why is Sam taking time off? Love your job? Tell us why! What wears down a marriage over time?
What WEARS on a marriage over time? / Sam wants to teach you to talk like a pirate / Finding patience with family Tuesday, September 19 What WEARS on a marriage over time? Sam wants to teach you to talk like a pirate! Finding patience with family. Especially your parents.
What causes WEAR and TEAR on a marriage?! Tuesday, September 19 What causes WEAR and TEAR on a marriage?! A few BIG ones right here. ???? #marriage #love #relationshipgoals Website: Facebook: Instagram: