What "Luxury Interior Designers" say we should NOT have in our homes anymore. Is there a Stranger Things PREQUEL coming?? Jodi has it in the Hollywood Outsider. Who was accused of shoplifting in the grocery store this week?
Keep the WOW Wednesday - Murphy & Sam both have Wows to share.
What do couples ARGUE about the most? And how many arguments per week?!
Tell you why Murphy & Jodi still have not adopted this new dog they have.
Valentine's Day: Jodi has a WEIRD gift for Murphy.
Sam, his elephant in the room - especially on Valentine's Day.
Who sent Jodi flowers? It's not Murphy.
If you KNOW you're raising a natural leader - what are things you can DO to bring it out in them? Murphy has 2 ideas.
When watching a fave show, Subtitles or NOT?! Sam has started using them.
Why legos are recession-proof!