Stories tagged with: notes
Notes of Shame
Letting your kid down is the worst. ???? #momfail
Why certain movies are scary to you / Why restaurant iced tea tastes funny / Jodi found some old handwritten notes
Why certain scary movies are scary to YOU.
Restaurant iced tea - tell you why it sometimes tastes funny.
Jodi found some old handwritten notes at home she wants to talk to Murphy about.
The Weekend Replay PODCAST: Why we’re invested in celebrity couples / Shop small / Why is Jodi writing notes of shame?
Why we're invested in celebrity couples.
Shop small.
Why is Jodi writing notes of shame?
Jodi’s shopping RULE / Grateful Friday Post-It notes / Taylor Swift’s mistake from her new album
Jodi's Shopping RULE that can save you money and make your closet a happier place,
Grateful Friday comes in the form of a Post-It note.
In Music News Sam has Taylor Swift's mistake from her new album.