Valentine's Day - REAL FEELINGS on the holiday only :)
4 things happy couples do.
Murphy and Jodi exchange Valentine's Day gifts -- and YES, Sam gets something.
$10 or less Valentine's Gifts!!!!!!!!!
Rock Hall nominations are IN for 2024.
What restaurant owes the public free food because of a super bowl promise??
We'll re-live the biggest Super Bowl moments WITH YOU and FOR YOU.
Valentine's Day is SWEETER if you keep it small.
Sam's got the new Frosty flavor from Wendy's that will change everything.
The top 3 most loved Valentine's Day candy.
Sam has kicked up 1 of our Game Day Grub recipes ahead of the Super Bowl.
What to DO for digital eye strain if your eyes are always dry.
The weird Valentine's Day gifts Jodi gave Murphy.
Sam made an extra 300 bucks this week accidentally.
What things in every home are a real danger to little kids?
IF you get flowers today - how to keep them fresh until this day next week.
Sweet things that came from the Super Bowl that brought us TOGETHER.
Sam's been spending evenings alone with his Air Fryer - and he has some new tricks to share.
Murphy feels an explanation is needed for WHY Jodi gave him type 1 diabetes snacks as his gift today. #valentinesday #type1diabetes
Valentine's Day: Jodi has a WEIRD gift for Murphy.
Sam, his elephant in the room - especially on Valentine's Day.
Who sent Jodi flowers? It's not Murphy.