Jodi’s latest read is a psychological thriller that follows Joy and Stan – a discontented, retired couple with four grown children. After an unexpected visitor shows up on their doorstep, Joy vanishes, and Stan is blamed for her disappearance. Dark secrets are revealed as the community tries to figure out what happened to Joy.
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Heard it on the Show
After The Show PODCAST: Waiting on a storm.
A true behind the scenes podcast of MSJ in... Read More.
True crime and your brain / Sam wants to know if you have a bucket list / Murphy’s favorite sliders
What True Crime does to your brain.
Sam wants to... Read More.
After The Show PODCAST: Dive Sam, Dive!
Sam gives all the juicy details about falling from... Read More.
The update on Sam’s skydiving adventure / Things you learn while living with a psychology major / The weird entry for the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame
The update on Sam's skydiving adventure.
Things you learn while... Read More.