Sam’s ‘Oscar Night Bites’

Every year for the Academy Awards we share fun themed recipes called 'Oscar Night Bites'. This year Jodi decided to pass this job off to Sam who was more than eager to put his take on it. Below are all the movie themed foods...

Sam’s Wings

They are BAKED but they taste FRIED! 1 to 4 pounds (450g to 1.7kg) chicken wings, cut into drumettes and flats 1 teaspoon (5g) baking powder per pound of chicken wings 1/2 teaspoon (5g) kosher salt per pound of chicken...

Spinach Feta Turkey Burgers

1 lb ground turkey meat (I use 93/7) fresh spinach leaves 1 cup crumbled feta cheese salt pepper garlic powder 1 egg Crack egg into bowl and scramble a little.  Add turkey meat and feta cheese.  Then I rip the spinach leaves from the...

Game Day Grub 2017

Having people over to watch the big game? Be prepared feed those hungry mouths with easy, delicious meals. Jodi is adding a new recipe every day up until Super Bowl Sunday. Slow Cooker BBQ Chicken Sliders (My EASIEST recipe ever) 1 small pkg boneless skinless...