“I think he would have hated us all knowing so many of these little details. He didn’t want anyone to know he was being prescribed anything. He was so private.” -Jodi
Listen to it in today’s Hollywood Outsider at 30:50 in the show podcast below:
According to USA Today.
“He thought he was taking Vicodin and not fentanyl,” said Carver County Attorney Mark Metz at a press conference in Prince’s home county.
Metz, the top prosecutor in the suburban Minneapolis county that is home to Prince’s studio/home complex Paisley Park, told reporters the results of a “painstaking and thorough” two-year investigation found that Prince did not know he had become addicted to fentanyl and neither did anyone around him.
“To actively charge a crime requires probable cause and a reasonable likelihood of conviction. The bottom line is that we simply do not have sufficient evidence to charge anyone with a crime related to Prince’s death,” Metz said.
Metz said there was no evidence that the counterfeit pills, laced with fentanyl and found at Prince’s home, were prescribed by a doctor.