Taylor Swift’s Groping Trial (everything we know as of now)


Taylor Swift was in court for jury selection for this upcoming legal battle she’s in – and these are the questions potential jurors were asked!

Jodi shares all the details in the Hollywood Outsider starting at 13:57 minutes in today’s show podcast.

According to USA TODAY

Wearing a white dress with a black jacket, Swift sat in the courtroom with her mother, Andrea Swift, and watched as an eight-member jury was chosen from a pool of 60 prospects. According to the Associated Press, Mueller had his back turned to Swift, and appeared to read documents as Swift watched the proceedings. Potential jurors were asked a number of questions, including whether they had bias for or against either party. One juror was dismissed for saying that Swift “seems petty and spiteful.”

David Mueller, a Denver radio host, then 51, sued Swift in 2015, two years after he was fired by his station for alleged violation of the morality clause in his contract. He says he was fired two days after Swift, her mother, and manager complained he touched Swift inappropriately at pre-concert event during Swift’s Red tour.

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