Over the weekend, the cast of Will & Grace reunited to begin filming their 10-episode limited revival of the hit NBC show. The iconic show stars Debra Messing, Eric McCormack, Sean Hayes and Megan Mullally all of whom shared photos from set.
Looks like they are all enjoying themselves. Can’t wait for the revival!
Spent the last 3 days with these loons & boy, are my arms tired. @DebraMessing @SeanHayes @MeganOMullally #Will&Grace pic.twitter.com/FwioowjXdg
— Eric McCormack (@EricMcCormack) March 5, 2017
back in drag #willandgrace pic.twitter.com/5RCKr0rJb9
— Megan Mullally (@MeganOMullally) March 5, 2017
Just like riding a bike. 😃@MeganOMullally @DebraMessing @EricMcCormack #WillAndGrace pic.twitter.com/OmpKwNJrlP
— Sean Hayes (@SeanHayes) March 5, 2017
promo shoot secrets #willandgrace @SeanHayes pic.twitter.com/1Wm7UN45tl
— Megan Mullally (@MeganOMullally) March 4, 2017
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