After The Show PODCAST: Have turkey, will travel.


Is the TSA inconsistent or on its game for Thanksgiving travelers?

  1. Carolyn Pearce
    Carolyn Pearce
    November 9, 2023 at 2:11 am

    Hello, I currently live in American Samoa and my husband and I listen to your show on the way to work. This morning we were listening to the show about taking food on the plane. I really wanted to share a favorite family story. Several years ago we lived in South Korea and anyone there knows it is very hard to find turkey or if you can it is very expensive. Being from the States and Thanksgiving was soon we really wanted a turkey. My aunt was visiting my cousin and his family who were stationed in Japan and wanted to come see us. So thinking I was being funny I asked her if she would bring us a turkey which she should be able to get from the Commissary. Not thinking any more about it we went and got her and my cousin from the airport and took them to our apartment. As she was unpacking boy was i surprised when what does she pull out of her suitcase but a frozen Butter Ball turkey. She deserves “Best Aunt in the world” award. I would say this group of TSA were very flexible

    • Producer Faith
      Producer Faith
      November 27, 2023 at 10:13 am

      Wow, thanks for sharing this, Carolyn!


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